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The Stanley Parable Wiki
The Stanley Parable Wiki

This page lists all achievements presented in The Stanley Parable franchise and guides on how to obtain them.

Both games[]

Click on door 430 five times[]

Click on door 430 five times
Click on door 430 five times.

How to obtain:

Click on door 430 and follow the narrators instructions: This achievement is much more complex than it sounds. If you try to click on door 430 5 times for the first time, the Narrator will block you from getting the achievement since he says it can't just be earned from a measly five clicks. You are then encouraged to do click it 20 times then 50. However, the Narrator doesn't feel what a true achievement would have, and encourages you to do these things in order:

  1. Go to door 417 and click it 20 times.
  2. Go to door 437 and click it 3 times.
  3. Go to door 415 and click it 10 times.
  4. Back to door 437.
  5. Click the copy machine.
  6. Back to door 417.
  7. Climb on 419's desk.

The Narrator then becomes very excited because he really feels it, and tells you to:

  1. Click on door 416. (Note: In the Ultra Deluxe version, if the "New Content" door is here (where door 416 would normally be), door 416 will be located inside, in the little hallway leading to the moving platform).
  2. Back to the copy machine.
  3. Click on door 430 five times to end the achievement by its name.

At the end, the Narrator gets super happy and you earn the achievement.


  • If you go in the Two Doors Room before getting the achievement, the Narrator will function as usual and you won't be able to get the achievement unless you restart the game.
  • This achievement is still obtainable without restarting your save in Ultra Deluxe after starting the New Content, as door number 416 is inside the New Content door.

Beat the game[]

Beat the game
Complete The Stanley Parable.

How to obtain:

Obey the Narrator by going straight to the Freedom Ending. Don't disobey the Narrator even once: To get this achievement, simply do not disobey the narrator. Go to the two doors room, through the Left door, upstairs to the bosses office, into the mind control facility, and turn off the machine.

You can't jump[]

You can't jump
No seriously, we disabled it.

How to obtain:

Be in game and attempt to jump several times: This achievement is really very easy. All you have to do is be in game and attempt to jump several times by by pressing the Space or your console equivalent.

Welcome back![]

Welcome back!
Quit the game and then start it again.

How to obtain:

Quit the game and then start it again: After opening the game at least once. Quit the game, then open it again. .


Play The Stanley Parable for the entire duration of a Tuesday.

How to obtain:

Play The Stanley Parable for the entire duration of a Tuesday: Begin just before midnight, and leave the game on in the background or directly open. You can change between running in the background or actively playing the game while getting this achievement. As long as the game is running on your pc you will receive it. At midnight and at the start of Wednesday you should get it.

Speed run[]

Speed run
Complete The Stanley Parable in under 4 minutes 22 seconds (not including load times).

How to obtain:

Complete The Stanley Parable in under 4 minutes 22 seconds:

Same way with the Beat The Game achievement, but you must reach the Freedom Ending in less than 4 minutes (the loading screens don't count towards the timer). To be able to do this, you first need to:

  • Press the 2845 on the boss office before the narrator finishes his dialogue and going there at least 2 more times, so he just opens the door for you.
  • Go on the elevator of The Boss's Office at least once, so you immediately get down.
  • In the mind control facility, after pressing any button before getting in the elevator, get on the tables and jump to the catwalks when they are still rising and go ahead.

After all that, just rush your way to the Freedom Ending.



How to obtain:

Enter 8 into the boss' keypad eight times: Go through the left door, upstairs, into the bosses office. Then enter "8888" into the bosses keypad two times.


HD Remake exclusive[]


Unachievable Upscaled
It is impossible to get this achievement.

How to obtain:

Use Launch Options:

  1. Open your Steam library. Right click The Stanley Parable in your games list and select the option that says Properties.
    In Properties, select the menu at the top of the menu that says Local Files. Once you are in the local files menu, select Browse Local Files. This should take you to the game's files.
  2. Go to these folders. Go to the folder named thestanleyparable, then inside of that folder, go to the folder named cfg.
  3. Inside the cfg folder, right click config.cfg and select Open with Notepad or any other text editor.
  4. Once that is open in your text editor, add a new line at the end, and copy this into the new line: bind "x" "~;_u" Once that has been copied, save the file. Be sure to set the file to read-only to prevent it from getting reset!
  5. Go back into your Steam library, and run The Stanley Parable. Once you are in the game, click Begin the game. When the game starts, go up to something and press the X key. Wait about 10 seconds, and it should say you have unlocked the achievement called Unachievable.

Alternatively use the developer console: If you can access the developer console and are playing on map1, use the following console command: ent_fire cmd Command _u

According to recent evidence[citation needed], this achievement is also available at complete random, meaning it is up to sheer luck not to unlock it with console commands, though the exact chance is unknown.


Achievement Upscaled
This is an achievement.

How to obtain:

Enable the Achievement option in the Extras menu: At the main menu simply click "Options", "Extras", then enable the option "Achievement". If in game simply click Esc to reach the escape menu then follow the same steps.

Go Outside[]

Go Outside Upscaled
Go Outside
Don't play The Stanley Parable for five years.

How to obtain:

Don't play The Stanley Parable for five years: Run the game at least once, then wait 5 years before opening it again. That's enough time to start a successful snake oil salesman route, or perhaps become a professional chef. It's half the time required for 'The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe.' So, basically, you can do 50% of what you can do with Ultra Deluxe.

  • The earliest date that this achievement could be obtained by normal means (not having gotten the game before release or not cheating) was October 17 2018, by people who bought and then ran the game on its release and then waited 5 years.

Fast way: Change the date on your device to five years in the future:It can also be achieved by running the game, closing it, setting the computer clock to 5 years later and running it again. ...Cheater.

Ultra Deluxe exclusive[]

Get your first achievement[]

Get your first achievement
Awarded for getting any of the other achievements as your first.

How to obtain:

Get any of the other achievements as your first: This can be any of the achievements from the game however, The easiest achievement to get this achievement via is the "You can't jump" achievement. You can get this by pressing Space several times in game. After this you should have the achievement.

Super Go Outside[]

Super Go Outside
Don't play The Stanley Parable for ten years.

How to obtain:

Legit Way: Don't play The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe for ten years: After stepping away from the computer and preparing for your ten year break away from the computer and Stanley, think about all the things you would like to do in life before going back to the office. A holiday perhaps? Multiple? Or set up a relationship, maybe get married and then have kids? Start a business? These are your ten years, so choose what you do with them wisely. After the ten years are up return to The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe and think of all the great things you did on those ten years!

  • The earliest date that this achievement can be obtained by normal means (not having gotten the game before release or not cheating) will be April 27 2032, by people who bought and then ran the game on its release and then waited 10 years.

Fast way: Change the date on your device to ten years in the future: If the user just wants to complete the game without waiting a decade, Depending on the device settings they can simply go to their device settings and change the date to ten years or over into the future. ...Cheater.

Test achievement please ignore[]

Test achievement please ignore
Test achievement description! Replace this!

How to obtain:

1: Unlock and Complete The Stanley Parable 2 Expo: Play the game until you unlock The Stanley Parable 2 Expo, visit the collectibles exhibit, and leave the expo to unlock The Stanley Parable 2. Note the achievement room will not work until the Epilogue is complete.

2: Unlock the epilogue: Starting with the collectibles exhibit, find all six Stanley Figurines, then complete the Figurines Ending. Now restart the game until the Settings Person says they need to leave. Afterwards, the Epilogue button should appear on the main menu.

3: Complete the Epilogue and enter The Stanley Parable 2 Expo again: Click on the Epilogue and play through it until the endless sequels unlock. After this play The Stanley Parable 2 Expo again and enter the free achievement room. Pull the lever and you should now have "Test achievement please ignore".

Settings World Champion[]

Settings World Champion
Set all settings sliders in the menu to all the available numbers

How to obtain:

Set all settings sliders in the menu to all the available numbers: First, Open the settings menu, and set all the sliders to all their possible numbers, be sure to do this on accessibility options too. Optimally use the arrow keys to change the numbers as using the mouse can result in missed numbers. This should give you the achievement and after you can also enter the Settings World Champion room in The Stanley Parable 2 Expo.

Demo exclusive[]

Video games!![]

Video Games
Video Games!!
You WON!!!

How to obtain:

Play the Cup in the Bin Game until you get the actual achievement instead of a fake one. Press F6 in front of "The End" signs in the demo. Then repeat putting the red cup in the bin or on top of the rafters until you get the actual achievement instead of the fake one.


  • The text in the icon for the "Commitment" achievement says:
    • WELL DONE !!!!
  • The icon for the "Test Achievement Please Ignore" achievement is the texture used in Source games as a replacement when there is a missing material or texture. [1]
  • The word “achievement” is mentioned or written in multiple places throughout the game, especially in Ultra Deluxe. In the PlayStation version of Ultra Deluxe, the word “achievement” is replaced with “trophy” in every instance.

Resetting Achievements[]

If you wish to reset your achievements to reactivate them (particularly with clicking on Door 430 five times due to it having a scripted event), open the developer console and enter the command, "tsp_resetzaxis". The console will then ask you to reenter the command with a 5-digit number after it to confirm your action. Doing this will reset all of your achievements for The Stanley Parable, both in-game and on your Steam profile.





Awaiting InputConsole commandsEaster Eggs & SecretsEightEmployee 432FacepunchFuture Happiness FoundationGlitchesHeavenNight sharkPortalOffice variationsREADME.txtSecret DiscoSerious RoomSix Doors RoomAchievementsThree Doors RoomUnfinished SectionWho Likes to PartyWooden Building
