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The cargo lift is a form of transport that appears in the Warehouse. The player must use it to get any endings that the Warehouse allows them to get, except the Powerful Ending, where they can jump off to the deep floor even if they are not on the cargo lift.
The player can also jump to the catwalk and survive, being able to get to the Colored Door Room. If they successfully ride the lift, they end up in the Phone Room. If the player quickly gets on and then off the lift, it sets off without them, and the Narrator notes it won't be coming back. The player has no choice but to jump off to the floor and die (unless they have access to the Vent Ending in Ultra Deluxe), triggering the Cold Feet Ending.
If the player jumps off the cargo lift and onto the other metal platform and walkway, The Narrator will scold them for doing so as he wasn't finished talking.
- In The Raphael Parable, the cable is removed from the cargo lift.