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The Stanley Parable Wiki
The Stanley Parable Wiki
Location Information: Colored Doors Room

Let's try this again.

Let's try this again.

Accessible via: Jumping off the cargo lift in the Warehouse

Leads to: Games Ending, Zending, Art Ending

Place of ending(s): None

Points of Divergence: 1

Games: N/A

Official: Yes

Gallery Endings Access Dialogue Fanart

The Colored Doors Room is a brick room found after Stanley jumps from the cargo lift in the Warehouse onto the catwalk and walks along it through the door on the other side. It is a small brick room, with a few industrial features and windows.


No endings occur in this room. This is the point of divergence for the Zending and the path to the Games Ending, or the Art Ending. To get the Games or Art Ending, you must enter the blue door three times, much to the Narrator's displeasure, while you only need to enter the red door once for the Zending.




Parts of the Office

The OfficeMeeting RoomBoss's OfficeEmployee LoungeWarehouseExecutive BathroomMaintenance RoomStanley's Room (Room 427)Broom ClosetElevator RoomHallways

Two Doors Room variations

Two Doors RoomSix Doors RoomNo Doors RoomThree Doors RoomColored Doors RoomCircular Two Doors Room

Parts of the Mind Control Facility

Mind Control FacilityMonitor RoomCountdown RoomFacility Power Room


MinecraftConfusion Ending ScheduleTest Chamber 00MuseumSerious RoomPhone RoomStarry DomeWooden BuildingStanley's ApartmentHeavenEscape CorridorsHotel BuildingEscape HallUnfinished SectionAbandoned Office

Ultra Deluxe

Mostly Infinite HoleMemory ZoneMerchOffice DecorationThe Stanley Parable 2 Expo
