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The Stanley Parable Wiki
The Stanley Parable Wiki

This article appeared in The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe

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Quick Stanley, close your eyes!
This page contains information that may spoil The Stanley Parable for people who haven't experienced it. Read at your own discretion.
Location Information: Memory Zone

"Je suis dans la Memory Zone"

"Je suis dans la Memory Zone"

Accessible via: The Vent (after the New Content Ending), from the start (after collecting all the figurines), The Executive Bathroom (after completing the Epilogue)

Leads to: Steam Reviews Area/Skip Button Ending/Before the Epilogue

Place of ending(s): Skip Button Ending, Figurines Ending

Points of Divergence: 0

Games: N/A

Official: Yes

Gallery Endings Access Dialogue Fanart


Inside of the Memory Zone

The Memory Zone is a location in The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe and it is a place where The Narrator stores all of his favorite Stanley Parable memories so he can relive them whenever he wants. It appears on the outside triangle-shaped house with a porch containing a few plants and benches, and the inside is filled with pictures, chairs, doors, and many other things.

Despite the Serious Ending being completely absent, a nod is given to it here, allowing the Serious Room to be seen through an inaccessible passage once the Narrator has finished reading the GameSpot review. Content that didn't return in Ultra Deluxe is also given a nod to, such as TV screens with the other versions of The Stanley Parable, pictures depicting the Minecraft World and Test Chamber 00 (both locations of which were replaced in the Games Ending), and portraits showing the Unachievable and Go Outside achievements that were exclusive to the HD Remix.

In order to re-access the Memory Zone after completing the Epilogue, play the normal Freedom Ending up until the point you are supposed to turn into The Boss's Office, where instead turn left and go into the Executive Bathroom. You may notice that the mirror has changed to be a bulletin board, headered with 'Now Remembering: CONTENT FROM A LONG TIME AGO'. Depending on what number of The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe sequels you are on, you will see either 2 or 3 (to my knowledge) postcards pinned on it. You will definitely see the original Memory Zone ending, but you will also see the New Content Ending too, and if you are on The Stanley Parable 9 or above, you will see the option to return to The Stanley Parable Eight. To choose any one of them, simply interact with it. The screen will fade into the loading screen and you will be in the chosen, normally inaccessible ending of your choice.

Other objects provide nods to other Stanley Parable content, like the IndieBox collaboration, miniature models of Stanley and Mariella and the soul-infused bike from the Raphael trailer (framed pictures of scenes from the latter visible). Two big points of interest, though, are framed reviews from and that rated the game really high.


You can get the Skip Button Ending after wandering through the Steam/Pressurized Gas Reviews part of the map. This is also where the entirety of the Figurines Ending takes place at. It is also the entirety of the Epilogue. The house is halfway sunken in the sand and rooms after the main room is replaced with cave walls filled with sand and items from The Stanley Parable 2 . Some of the items are multiple name buttons scattered around the cave, (One of them says Stanley instead of Jim), a negative review of the sequel from Cookie9, an article saying that there will no longer be anymore Stanley Parable games after the sequel’s downfall, and more Stanley figurines to collect leading up to the infinite hole.


  • In the Nintendo Switch version of the game, the newspaper from The New York Times is renamed to "The New Donk Times", a nod to Super Mario Odyssey.
    • In addition, one of the headlines on the modified newspaper reads "You Won't Believe How Many Bananas This Ape Has Been Hoarding For Years", another nod to Mario Odyssey, and the character Donkey Kong.
  • In every console port, the narrator will mention in the first room how great the original was, before it had a port to whatever console you are currently playing in, and on the hallway right after, he says it could just been simply ported to the console you are playing on without the need of New Content



Parts of the Office

The OfficeMeeting RoomBoss's OfficeEmployee LoungeWarehouseExecutive BathroomMaintenance RoomStanley's Room (Room 427)Broom ClosetElevator RoomHallways

Two Doors Room variations

Two Doors RoomSix Doors RoomNo Doors RoomThree Doors RoomColored Doors RoomCircular Two Doors Room

Parts of the Mind Control Facility

Mind Control FacilityMonitor RoomCountdown RoomFacility Power Room


MinecraftConfusion Ending ScheduleTest Chamber 00MuseumSerious RoomPhone RoomStarry DomeWooden BuildingStanley's ApartmentHeavenEscape CorridorsHotel BuildingEscape HallUnfinished SectionAbandoned Office

Ultra Deluxe

Mostly Infinite HoleMemory ZoneMerchOffice DecorationThe Stanley Parable 2 Expo
