史丹利的寓言 维基
Fear me, mortal. I am the essence of divine art...

–The Divine Art

Divine art

The Divine Art

神聖藝術(Divine Art)實際上是一個實體,出現於藝術結局的尾聲。

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話語[ | ]


Fear me, mortal. I am the essence of divine art.

Others but you cannot read this text.

Know that when you die, I'll personally carry your spirit across over BLXWXN into my garden built within the emotions of a flower.

There we will live together, we will dance and eat and sin and you will do improv comedy based on suggestion from me for all eternity.

This is your reward for your work here today.

Now, live your normal human existence.

Await me in the life that follows this one.

I love you.

其他[ | ]

  • 在演說中聽到的音樂和在繁星圓頂中聽到的一樣。
  • 神聖藝術所說的「BLXWXN」的確切意思至今仍然未知。官方人員稱BLXWXN為河名,但其實還有其他含義,若玩家思考出相關訊息他會親自揭曉答案。
  • 神聖藝術可能是一位神,基於這兩句話:「Now, live your normal human existence.」、「Await me in the life that follows this one」。
  • 左边的黑色方块其实并不是神圣艺术的外貌, 而是一个程序错误。 此方块已在最新版本中被移除。